Saturday 15 January 2011

Synopsis Draft 5 (Final)

In a dim room a girl, 17 years of age, sits on the edge of her bed staring down at her lap. In her hands is a bottle of pills, she pours out the entire contents, she looks at them. In the background there are noises, someone says goodbye. The girl gently puts the pills on the bed and leaves the room. She walks through the hallway into another room and begins searching through the draws. After finding nothing she goes back out to the hallway and downstairs. She enters the stair cupboard, searching the confined space, but finds nothing. She goes into the front room and walks to where the television is situated and looks inside the cupboards underneath it. She pulls out a small bag. Unzipping it she lifts out a camera, which she takes with her into the conservatory. She places it down and picks up a few books, putting them on the table on top of each other. She picks up the camera, trying to get it to work. She turns it on she pulls out the LCD screen and flips it around. She places the camera on the stacked books and positions herself within the camera frame. Having readied herself, she takes a deep breath and presses record. She talks to the camera but realises it isn’t recording. She gets up and walks to the bag, retrieves a cassette and goes back to the camera. She puts in the cassette, positions herself within the frame again and presses record. She begins to talk to the camera but soon loses control she cries and stops the recording. She sits on the couch, trying to compose herself again. After taking a few breathes, she presses record again. She begins to talk, more composed than the last attempt. She gets much further than she did but once again loses control and stops the recording and she cries. She picks up the camera and rewinds it. As the tape is rewinding new footage appears of a different scene. The clip is of someone unwrapping presents. Happy birthday is being sung in the background. A child’s face lit up by birthday candles. The girl begins to cry but with a faint smile on her face, she removes the cassette from the camera. Someone walks in into the house and the girl quickly hides the camera behind a cushion. She gets up walking towards the front door, throwing the cassette in a bin.

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