Saturday 15 January 2011

Synopsis Draft 1

The film begins with a home video of a woman (Sue Mason, 42), playing with two children. We then see a girl (Hope Mason, 17) watching this home video and crying over a brochure, the brochure is a funeral plan, with a picture of Sue on it. We see Hope’s older sister (Katie Mason, 21) dressed in black, yelling at Hope, but we don’t hear the yelling, all we hear is the non-diegetic music, showing Hope separated from the world. Katie gives up yelling at Hope and leaves. Hope go up stairs and takes a few sleeping tablets and then runs the taps for the bath, she then goes outside to the garden, sits at the table and begins to write, after writing she goes up stairs again a stops the bath taps. She places the piece of writing on the shelf and gets into the bath; she lets out a puff of air and puts her head underwater. We then see her hands holding the metal handles of the bath. Katie enters the house again saying she forgot something, we than see Hopes hands drop from the handles. Katie runs upstairs discovers Hope and runs to help her then the camera fades out. The camera fades in to Hope lying in a bed and her sister sitting on the bed with the letter Hope has written, a voiceover of Hopes letter occurs. A tear streaks from Katie’s eye and the camera fades out.

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