Saturday 15 January 2011

Synopsis Draft 2

There is one young girl named Hope, 17, rummaging through the stair cupboard. She is looking for her camera, patiently she searches but it becomes quite a task, but she does not get mad or annoyed, she shows no emotion. She opens a set of drawers, finding the camera in it; she then searches the corner of the cupboard picking up a long object with in a black zipped bag. She carries them to the conservatory, un-zipping the bag she pulls out a tripod, which she then goes onto to set up, having some difficulty with it. She then places the camera onto the tripod, but takes some time trying to figure out how to attach it. Once it is on she turns the camera on, opens the LCD screen and turns it so that she can see herself. She positions it so she is in the frame and then presses record. She begins to talk but then realises it isn’t recording as she hasn’t put a cassette in; she doesn’t get mad but just lets out a sigh. She goes rummaging through the drawers again hoping to find the cassette where she found the camera, she does find it and then rushes back to the camera. She places the cassette in and presses record. She sits in front of the camera and begins to talk. Whilst filming herself, she fidgets with her hands and frequently goes to rub her eyes. She also is blinking on many occasions, trying to hold back the tears. She picks up a frame, holding a picture of her mother and carries on talking not looking at the camera. She drifts off into her world for a few seconds and snaps out of it, she looks at the camera, says goodbye and turns it off.

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