Saturday 15 January 2011

Synopsis Draft 3

In a bedroom there is girl in her late teenage years, she is sitting still listening to some voices in the background. She gets up as she hears the sound of a door close; she walks out of the room she was in, and into her parent’s room. She begins opening the draws, searching for something, but has no luck, she then goes downstairs into a stair closet, rummaging around the small space, and she again finds nothing. Leaving the stair closet she goes into the front room where the TV is situated and underneath it is a cupboard she looks through them finding a small bag, she un-zips it pulling out a camera. She takes this into the conservatory where we can see lots of photos of her family. She grabs a few books and piles them on top of each other on the table. She looks at the camera, experimenting with the buttons, she turns it on, positions it on the books. Flipping out the LCD screen she turns it around so she can see herself, she then positions herself in the frame and presses record. She begins to speak but soon realises that t isn’t recording, she goes back to the bag where the camera was, looks inside a pouch and pulls out a cassette. She puts the tape into the camera and repositions the camera and herself into the frame; she takes a deep breath and presses record once again. She begins to speak but soon falters, she stops the camera and wipes her eyes, and she takes a few breaths and begins to record again. She talks to camera but soon again falters; she stops recording, picks up the camera and begins watching the footage. Whilst watching herself a different clip shows on the camera, it is a little boy in front of a candle lit birthday cake with people singing happy birthday, seeing this she gently weeps. She pulls herself together and removes the cassette; she gets up and hears someone at the door. She begins walking out of the conservatory, throwing the cassette in the bin as she leaves. We hear her calling the name of the boy we saw in the tape, as the camera fades out.

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